30th International Symposium on the
Organic Chemistry of Sulfur


Registration is open!

Early Bird Registration Deadline: June 12, 2024

To pay the conference fee within the specific deadlines refer to the Società Chimica Italiana (Italian Chemical Society) SCI web site registration form and follows the instructions contained therein.

Please, access to the following link for the registration:  Registration form

  1. This event has registration fees reserved to SCI members, to enable them regular SCI members should introduce their SCI details in the top section of the SCI registration form.
  2. A letter of the scientific supervisor is required attesting Student, PhD or Post-Doc position.
  3. A 10% discount on ISOCS-30 early bird registration fee is applied to WSeS-11 workshop participants. A copy of the registration to WSeS-11 has to be sent to to get the discount (not cumulable with other discounts).
  4. Participation to the banquet of August 01 Panoramic B-Roof requires the payment of the gold registration fee. Booking of the Banquet during the Symposium is not guaranteed.
  5. Please indicate food allergies, intolerances, vegetarian, vegan, or any information you retain important in the note field before form submission.
  6. The excursion is free of charge for all participants, however the seat reservation, during registration, is mandatory!

Gold Registration Fee Include

  1. Conference Welcome mixer on Sunday
  2. Conference Registration Kit
  3. Admission to all Conference Sessions and Coffee Breaks
  4. Monday July 29 – Thursday August 01 lunches
  5. Social excursion, Wednesday July 31
  6. Banquet, Thursday August 01

Silver Registration Fee Include

  1. Conference Welcome mixer on Sunday
  2. Conference Registration Kit
  3. Admission to all Conference Sessions and Coffee Breaks
  4. Monday July 29 – Thursday August 01 lunches
  5. Social excursion, Wednesday July 31

One-Day registration fee Include

  1. Conference Registration Kit
  2. Admission to all Conference Sessions and Coffee Breaks
  3. Daily lunch

Gold Registration

Students, Ph.D, Post-Doc     SCI members: 400€ (after 12 June 500€)

                                                     participant to WSeS-11: 432€ (after 12 June 580€)

                                                      Not SCI members: 480€ (after 12 June 580€)


Academic                                   SCI members: 700€ (after 12 June 800€)   

                                                    participant to WSeS-11: 702€ (after 12 June 880€)

                                                     Not SCI members: 780€ (after 12 June 880€)


Accompanying Persons        350€ (Conference Sessions & Coffee Breaks not included)

Silver Registration

Students, PhD, Post-Doc        SCI members: 300€ (after 12 June 400€)   

                                                      participant to WSeS-11: 342€ (after 12 June 480€)

                                                       Not SCI members: 380€ (after 12 June 480€)


Academic                                    SCI members: 600€ (after 12 June 700€)   

                                                      participant to WSeS-11: 612€ (after 12 June 780€)

                                                       Not SCI members: 680€ (after 12 June 780€)


Accompanying Persons           250€  (Conference Sessions & Coffee Breaks not included)

One-Day registration

                                                   SCI members: 250€                       

                                                   Not SCI members: 330€

For those paying through bank transfer here are the details of the bank account:

ABI: 03104  CAB: 03203 CIN: E  C/C: 000000171156 

IBAN: IT80 E031 0403 2030 0000 0171 156  BIC: DEUTITM1584

Causale (Transfer Reason): name surname - ISOCS30, intestato a (payable to): SCI

Please instruct your bank to process the remittance “free of all charges to beneficiary”

For any further information to register at the conference contact the secretariat




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