30th International Symposium on the
Organic Chemistry of Sulfur

Call for abstracts

Please download the template by clicking the link below ABSTRACT-TEMPLATE-ISOCS-30 

Use as file name: lastname_firstname_abstract
Submit your abstract (one page maximum) following the guidelines provided in the ‘Abstract Template
The number of submissions for oral presentation is limited to 1 per submitting author (speaker)
The  WSeS-11 and the ISOCS-30 organizers have reached an agreement with Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements  to jointly publish the proceedings of the two symposia. 

The deadlines for submitting abstracts to ISOCS-30 have been extended.

Announcement of the accepted abstract 7th June 

Data for registration at reduced fees 12th June 


For poster presenters, panels are  100 cm (h) x  70 cm (w).


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