30th International Symposium on the
Organic Chemistry of Sulfur

11th Workshop of the Selenium and Sulfur Redox and Catalysis Network

Dear Colleagues and Participants!

The 11th Workshop of the Selenium and Sulfur Redox and Catalysis Network (WSeS-11), will be held in Torun, Poland, from 25 to 26 July 2024. 

The WSeS-11 will be organized as a pre-conference of ISOCS-30.

A 10% discount to early birds registrations (May 31, 2024) to ISOCS-30 is applied to WSeS-11 workshop participants.  A copy of the registration to WSeS-11has to be sent to to get the discount (not cumulable with other discounts).

The  WSeS-11 and the ISOCS-30 organizers have reached an agreement with Phosphorus Sulfur, Silicon Relat. Elem. to jointly publish the proceedings of the two symposia. The journal is, once again, proud to be supporting the broad chalcogen chemistry community through sponsorship of the 11th Workshop of the Selenium and Sulfur Redox and Catalysis Network, which will be held in Torun, Poland, from July 25-26 2024 and of the International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur, which will be held in Florence, Italy from July 28-August 02, 2024. We hope that all participants will contribute their poster, oral presentation, invited or plenary lecture for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings.


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