30th International Symposium on the
Organic Chemistry of Sulfur

Day-6 Scientific program

In this page

  • Friday, August 02

Chair      Mogens Nielsen


08:40-09:20      PL-05   Carsten Bolm

Sulfur compounds in the Bolm group: Syntheses and Applications


09:20-09:50      IL-12    Paola Stagnaro

Up-cycling of waste Sulfur by inverse vulcanization: Novel macromolecular architectures for advanced photonics


09:50-10:20      IL-13    Xuefeng Jiang

Green Organosulfur Chemistry


10:20-10:50      Coffee Break


Chair      Paola Bonaccorsi and Claudio Santi


10:50-11:20      IL-14    Michaela Gulea

Synthesis of S- and N,S-heterocycles by gold-catalyzed cyclizations


11:20-11:40      Memorial Prof. Giuseppe Capozzi and Prof. Alessandro Degl’Innocenti


11:40-12:20      PL-06   Adrian Schwan

The Significance of Boron Interactions with Sulfoxides and Sulfenate Anions


12:20-13:00      ISOCS-31 Announcement and CLOSING


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